While the man goes through the tunnel which has a symbolic of "the time", he meets with various scenes of his life.
The time has passed at a uniform pace, but the sense of time is changed by each situation of life, such as encounter, birth, growth and parting. It is like the sand of the sandglass life, such as encounter, birth, growth and parting. It is like the sand of the sandglass which falls hurriedly at last, although the time should tick away at a uniform pace. I think that the Journey is a walking for "the time", that is to say this film shows "The Journey is life itself".
2007 年,路易威登推出全新企業廣告系列,由多位國際級風雲人物擔綱上陣,表達旅遊乃自我及人生探索歷程的意念,闡述路易威登以旅遊文化為根基的品牌核心價值理念。
去年,路易威登更破天荒推出品牌史上首個電視及電影廣告,標誌尊貴時尚品牌推廣企業形象的新里程。該段長 90 秒的廣告片並無任何產品特寫,只透過鏡頭氣氛營造,表達旅遊乃一段心靈反思的過程並蘊含改變人生觀的力量,與品牌核心價值呼應。 by~Louis Vuitton
這是09年Louis Vuitton所舉辦的比賽,以旅行為主題,並且認為旅行不只是一種觀光、增長見聞,而是一種心靈的探索,裡面很多的短片都非常有質感,創作也非常多元,在配樂以及運用上都非常優秀,最後的Winners是一位日本人,他拍的非常好,用很簡單的慨念與手法,非常成功的詮釋,看完後真的讓人很佩服呢,所以想推薦給沒看過的朋友們,而且評審都是有一定風格與地位的優秀者Wong Kar-Wai 王家衛 / Sofia Coppola 蘇菲亞柯波拉(拍過凡爾賽拜金女、愛情不用翻譯) / Gustavo A. Santaolalla 古斯塔沃·桑塔歐拉拉(阿根廷音樂家、電影配樂家與製作人,拉丁葛萊美獎得主,「斷背山」、「摩托車日記」、「火線交錯」這三張真的都是天殺得好聽),如果作品有機會能讓他們審查,我想會先高興的昏倒吧。
The Time Walker
Sho Tsukikawa
Tokyo University of Film Arts Japan
Congratulations, Sho Tsukikawa. You should be very proud of your film, which captured the essence of a journey in an exciting and interesting way.
The Jury
While the man goes through the tunnel which has a symbolic of "the time", he meets with various scenes of his life.
The time has passed at a uniform pace, but the sense of time is changed by each situation of life, such as encounter, birth, growth and parting. It is like the sand of the sandglass life, such as encounter, birth, growth and parting. It is like the sand of the sandglass which falls hurriedly at last, although the time should tick away at a uniform pace. I think that the Journey is a walking for "the time", that is to say this film shows "The Journey is life itself".
Louis Vuitton Journeys Awards 官方網站
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